The Great Mother – Experiential Multilingual Event

The Great Mother - Get closer to a great personality that transformed millions of lives. On Sunday March 21st, 2021 @ 10 am (EST Toronto / New York time) @ 4 pm (Romanian time zone) @ 8 am (Mexico time zone) ZOOM: This online event takes us closer to a great personality, known as 'the Great Mother', that transformed millions of lives. It aims to offer You spiritual yet tangible experiences while sharing practical knowledge of Self protection, realization and wellness. Guided meditation, soothing music performed by Yogis, as well solutions for this crazy world will be shared. Prepare to…

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Mama Sfântă Nirmala – “Dar din dar se face Rai” (eveniment online interactiv spiritual în EN și …)

Vă invităm în Duminica de 21 Martie, 2021 @ 4 pm în România (10 am în Toronto / New York) la acest program online special. Folosiți linkul de ZOOM: Acest program este preponderent in limba engleză și se dorește a fi un buchet omagial oferit chiar de ziua de naștere a personalității spirituale deosebite Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - care continuă să transforme milioane de vieți prin metoda proprie perfect adaptată timpurilor moderne de Realizare a Sinelui "en-masse". Programul va introduce meditația spontană "sahaja yoga", invățături subtile, muzică interpretată de Yoghini, dar și modalități simple și utile de…

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La Gran Madre – Evento de Experiencias Multi-lenguaje

Domingo 21 de Marzo de 2021 @ 10 am (EST hora de Toronto / New York) @ 8 am (hora de Mexico) @ 4 pm (hora de Rumania) ZOOM: Este evento en linea estará principalmente en inglés y nos llevará a conocer de cerca a una gran personalidad que ha trasformado la vida de millones de personas. Se compartirán historias de experiencias espirituales, de protección y de realización. Habrá meditación guiada (en inglés), música tocada por Yoguis, así como consejos prácticos para el mundo actual. Prepárate para ser sorprendido por historias en vivo de conexión con Shri Mataji…

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Fragrance from Paris, France in Afrique Magazine Interview with Meditation Master and African Yoga Visions & Stories: Gandhi, Sahaja Yoga, Kenya and Morocco

« The flowers of Morocco have so much fragrance because Moroccans have so much love in their hearts » Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation) Afrique Magazine -- Paris -- France Interview by Catherine Brousse with Shri Mataji (10/07/89) "The Indians call her "the Great Mother" and see her as a saint; At a very young age she used to write Mahatma Gandhi's prayers. She's been living in London since 1975 where her husband is general secretary of IMCO. She has founded yoga centers in India and in several countries in Europe : England, Switzerland, France,…

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