Christmas Basket (international vibrations, music and wisdom) with FREE BOOK GIFT (! Expecting to Fly !)

"He(Jesus)  did come to create the passage between as you see here, the Vishuddhi (known as throat chakra) and the Sahasrara (known as crown chakra), this Agnya. In the primordial being - known as the Virata- He was born there, to open that door. In evolution, every incarnation has come on this earth to open a particular door within us and to create that opening or that enlightenment in our awareness. So Christ came precisely for opening this small little door, which is constricted by our ego and superego. Ego and superego are the two byproducts of…

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New Year Cards with Music Wisdom Fun and Bliss

Happiness deep down within. Serenity with each sunrise. Success in each facet of your life. Family beside you. Close and caring friends. Health, inside you. Love that never ends. Special memories of all the yesterdays. A bright today with much to be thankful for. A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows. Dreams that do their best to come true. Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you. Mahvash & family (from Austria) Enjoy a compilation with quotes of wisdom from the Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, accompanied by messages (video, text, images)…

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