No Grinch, Only January Seeds of Joy in Burlington Media

Let's Enjoy the January Seeds of Joy one can discover in the Burlington Media Paula and others from our regular classes, as well parents, youth and kids joined our creative "New Year meditation class" . Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network with its free community workshops sowed beautiful January Seeds of Joy in Burlington Media 2024. We are sharing a few excerpts from the regional news that published a couple of supportive articles in their respective media outlets covering the popular and creative mental health and wellness events crafted by our volunteers for January 2024. Enjoy! Classes and events…

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Burlington’s Media Coverage for the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Let's Discover How the Special 100th Birth Anniversary Community Events were reflected in Halton and Burlington Today's Media Coverage Photo by Lucas (during the guided Earth Meditation - The Festival of Inner Lights) Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network volunteers from the Halton region have worked really hard and tapped into their creativity to offer two very special Community Events to celebrate the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, here in Burlington. In this article we are sharing only the second and last event, The Festival of Inner Lights --…

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Beautiful Media Coverage for Burlington’s INNER LIGHTS Festival 2023 (Local News Articles)

Sharing the Articles published in the online Burlington Local News about our Special December Celebration - The Festival of Inner Lights 2023 Segement from the Press release in Burlington Local News inviting the Community to join The Festival of Inner Lights 2023 Our Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network team of volunteers was fortunate to have again the support from the local media, therefore the News about The Festival of Inner Lights, an annual free event in Burligton came through in a powerful way.We had our Press Release published in the Local News on December 1st, 2023 which…

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Joy Giving Keeps Flowing in Burlington News

Let's check how the Joy Giving Keeps Flowing in the Burlington News of Summer 2023 Ioana took this photo of the Burlington skies opening above her neighbourhood and shared it with the Burlington Today readers. 'What’s the Problem of this World?! There is No Joy. Simple as that – there is no joy.' 'If they had joy, they would not have done all these nonsensical things. There’s no joy.''When you have joy, you don’t want to fight, you don’t want to do anything that is harmful.''You don’t want to say anything after anyone, not only that but…

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