Feedback from Anduhyaun Aboriginal Shelter for Women and Children with THANK YOU LETTER for Sahaja Yoga

In January 2015 we had been contacted by Anduhyaun Aboriginal Shelter for Women and Children to provide bi-weekly sahaja yoga meditation classes. Anduhyaun  means "Our Home" in Ojibwe language and this opened our hearts right away! Since March 5th 2015, we've embarked on a wonderful journey and with each class both  our volunteer instructors, as well Anduhyaun' participants had experienced inner growth and connection. We are looking forward to deepen our on-going collaboration , gratefully thanking to Jannies and Grace from Anduhyaun for their Appreciation Letter (copied further below). This Article is dedicated to everyone in "Our Home…

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Appreciation Letter to Sahaja Yoga Meditation from Richard Beasley’s Care Fair – 8 “Inner Peace mini-Workshops” for JK,SK Children (!)

Thursday, June 19, 2014 - feedback to Sahaja Yoga Meditation volunteers' public services offered during the Care Fair  -> the thank you letter received from Healthy Living Division (Public Health Services/Hamilton)Children that practice daily sahaja yoga meditation(click!) Teen Day @ West Oak Public School: Inner Peace for Students( photos/story) Students & Parents Meditate at Brookville’s 1st Health and Wellness Night(New VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents (WATCH) Guess WHO are the LEADERS of Tomorrow?? 

Continue ReadingAppreciation Letter to Sahaja Yoga Meditation from Richard Beasley’s Care Fair – 8 “Inner Peace mini-Workshops” for JK,SK Children (!)

My Dream with the Prophet & A Muslim Seeker’s Journey

My Spiritual Journey leading to Sahaja Yoga Meditation "Last Wednesday we were talking about this seeking of truth within us and our connection with divine and this whole being. My yogini friend Paula (we are both going to free meditation meetings in Halton) had asked me to write down my experience. My dream with the prophet and journey of seeking this knowledge. Just briefly I tell you about my childhood; that from my early age I've been searching the answers of the questions which come in my mind that who we are and what's the main purpose…

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