Spring with Snowdrops: Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections to Wordsworth’s Poem

Explore the Romanian Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections On this snowy day in Canada, let's feel and remember the hidden potential of the coming Spring! The Festival of Martisor is always celebrated on March 1st  in Romania and one can draw many connections to the subtle knowledge offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Just mentioning a few on the spot: March is the month of Mars, the planet that  is associated to 1st Chakra - Mooladhara, called as Root Chakra as well) - and its energy is represented by Shri Ganesha that governs  the Innocence and Purity of…

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One Million Dollars Joy – for Free in Canadian Malls!

We still get that rush of a pleasant surprise when we discover life in the enclosed, man-made spaces - when we see a beautiful flower or even gardens that truly happen to flourish there. Sahaja Yoga is a system of Nature says its founder, Shri Mataji. And for those that experience the meditation with Sahaja Yoga system, this realization comes naturally:  this type of meditation really brings a natural communication, a  natural feeling of well-being - anywhere it is practised.  Sahaja Yoga expresses itself as a system that carries the (power of) Nature, the Life with it,…

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Anandita & ‘Chello Sahaji’ Bhajan Band in Newspapers – “Burlington Post” writes in “The Arts” section

"Art & Spirituality:  When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" - makes 1st Page of "The Arts" section of the Daily Newspaper in Burlington Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Halton had sponsored this Free Community Event with a beautiful and successful program of "Art & Spirituality". The Canadian Tour of Anandita Basu had its Debut with "When Rhythm Becomes Meditation" in Burlington, on Tuesday November 24 at Brant Hills Community Centre. There were around 100 persons present and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive. This was the largest program of Anandita Basu's Tour in Canada, 2009. Enjoy Kathak & Indian Folk Videos…

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