About New Ideas and How can I improve my Focus? A Teen’s VIDEO Testimonial and Inspiring Quotes

Found it during a walk. This article is meant to open our mind to new possibilities that are inspired and not mentally constructed. This is an old posting but we are sure it has revelance through the quotes of wisdom shared below, as well with a video-testimonial of a teenager from Burlington who speaks about how the practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation helped with her focus and not only. Let's Explore these Inspiring Quotes about New Ideas and A Teen's VIDEO Testimonial Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation- says: "Anybody who came up with…

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Spring with Snowdrops: Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections to Wordsworth’s Poem

Explore the Romanian Martisor Tradition with Subtle Connections On this snowy day in Canada, let's feel and remember the hidden potential of the coming Spring! The Festival of Martisor is always celebrated on March 1st  in Romania and one can draw many connections to the subtle knowledge offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Just mentioning a few on the spot: March is the month of Mars, the planet that  is associated to 1st Chakra - Mooladhara, called as Root Chakra as well) - and its energy is represented by Shri Ganesha that governs  the Innocence and Purity of…

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