Be a Better Human Being in No Time! – Cool Breeze from Jayanthi

My name is Jayanthi and I work at the library, one day when I was passing by our bulletin board I noticed that some one posted Shri Mataji's poster with a beautiful blue picture. One of my colleagues asked me who the lady in the picture was. I couldn't answer but it motivated me to go to the class to find out more, so without a clue I went to the Oakville class! In the first class itself  I noticed that certain things happened within me without my effort, one thing for sure was this Cool Breeze…

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Easy to be an Angel? Difficult to maintain it? – Then call in the Guru Principle!

"..As you are all Realised Souls ( having Kundalini energy  awakened) and as I have told you, you are all Angels, but if you do not establish your Guru Principle, you know of angels how they have fallen down and gone forever.. So be careful, it's easy to be an Angel but difficult to maintain it. :-) It is difficult to be the Gods and Goddesses (the divine principles that govern the sublte energy centers within us that are called chakras), but easy to maintain it. :-) "Shri Mataji's "Advises on Angels and Gods" in Italy, 1989

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