How & Why Open the Heart? Divine Sensitivity with Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer, Flowers & Sahaja Yoga Culture’s “Know How” from 1989 Guru Lecture

HOW WE SHOULD BEHAVE ?! Feel the Joy of Oneness Together "It was very interesting I was thinking about you all and about the people who have done so much for Sahaja Yoga. It is impossible really to say how many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such interest and dedication. And this dedication is directed by Divine Force that's why I think you people are not even aware how much you have worked so hard without getting any material gain out of it. And the joy has no value. We cannot evaluate in any human terminology…

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Simple Prayer Advice for the Root Mooladhara Chakra

Shri Mataji, holding the hand with Shri Ganesha, The Lord of  the Root Chakra "So, it's my prayer and request to you…that if really I have loved you and have given love to you, be Silent within… and Enjoy!! Break all illusions and differences… and the blood of life will start flowing within you… and will fill you with joy, peace and bliss!!" "Today I wanted to talk about Mooladhara, which is a very important subject.  I think I have talked about it many times.  Mooladhara is one of the most delicate and most powerful chakras.  It…

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Jesus and Ganesha – Aum, the Divine Essence of Prayer

AUM, TO THE DIVINE ESSENCE OF THE PRAYER Let our ears hear that which is True; Let our eyes see that which is Pure; Let our beings praise that which is Divine; And let those who listen hear not my voice but the Wisdom of God! Let us worship with the same song, the same strength and the same Knowledge. And let our Meditation enlighten and enrich! Let there be amongst us Compassion and Peace. PRAYER to Shri Ganesha and Shri Jesus as ONE (Alfa and Omega in AUM) Salutation to Shri Ganesha, who is indeed Shri…

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