Meditation on our Mountains and Valleys with Romanian Nature

"Throughout the ages there have been many seekers of truth. They often fled to Mountains and Valleys to Meditate and Seek God." Shri Mataji "Because if you want to be in Sahaja Yoga you have to see the two sides: one is the Mountain and the other is the Valley. If you want to climb it, you need to have desire, power. If you don’t have pure desire it will not work. " "It is important, see, even I feel all this standing like a witness to you, silent witness. When I see big, big mountains, I…

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The Power of Carols Or Christmas in Trenches – True WW2 Story

The Power of Carols Or Christmas in Trenches - True WW2 Story (Sahaj in Spirit!) Magdalena is one of my family's first friends made in Canada, when we've arrived here a while back.. and later on she sent me the text below as a Christmas message/email in 2002. The Photo above, with a beautiful dark-red evening, was also shared with me by Magdalena, this year, from Chile; tonight I had felt that words & image come together as a Christmas Serious (but Sahaj too!) Message - the Times are still Dark and wars in all shapes and…

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