“We Feel it!” even @ Chapters – New Video based on Testimonials from Etobicoke & Brampton on the Benefits of Meditation

"Magnanimity of mind is very pleasing and it attracts others. This magnanimity lies within human being and is awakened by Kundalini. But how can those people have this Joy of Spontaneity who are living in artificial atmosphere ?!" Shri Mataji - founder of sahaja yoga meditation The 2 photos you can see above and below in this article, are from Burlington Chapters, capturing aspects from one of the many Meditation Workshops that Sahaja Yogis are providing across Ontario to the Chapters bookstores and other indoor venues (like malls) - always for free.   The Video that you'll…

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Day 2 & 3 – Enjoy VIDEOS & Stories – “Art & Spirituality” Tour in Mississauga

Reporting about "Art & Spirituality" Programs in Malls (WestDale Mall) Paula, Burlington: Anandita debuted at Westdale Mall Nov.25 and 26 and she was wonderful! Several yogis came, Carmen (our great organizer of this event!), Margaret, Ann, George, and a few others. Anandita articulately and fearlessly explained to the audience about the energy inside of them and gave about 20 realizations, and we all talked to a few people each and gave flyers to promote Square One and Glen Abbey classes. One of the best moments was Anandita giving realization to teenagers, about 6 of them, they seemed…

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