Celestial Meditation at Youth Mental Health Conference

Poster of the MAD-SCATTER Youth Conference Event (2015 - Healthy Mind, Healthy Body) Check Ioana's Speech and Collective Meditation with Attention on Mother Earth The 2015 MAD-SCATTER  Youth Conference organizers (Step Up Ambassador) reached out to Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation team of volunteers for support. As a result several meditation and inner peace workshops were scheduled, as well a short collective Celestial Meditation with the attention on Mother Earth, guided by Ioana. (8 min video) Tip: keep your palms up towards the screen - feel the vibes from this video -- Can you feel holding The Globe in…

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Thank You Letter from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School (March 21, 2014 – The World Inner Peace Day)

On March 21st, 2014, a team comprising 6 volunteer instructors from "Life De-Stress with Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Youth" program, was invited to Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School  to introduce Students and teachers from several classes to the benefits of meditation in celebration of The World Inner Peace Day. Thank you Letter from Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School We are extremely honored and thankful for being trusted to share our Inner Peace workshop at the amazing Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School. We are looking forward to honoring any further invitation in bringing inner peace…

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