Paula on Confucius: Learn How to Live a Fulfilled Life – Experiences from China Wall to Sahaj Guru Game!

My trip to Beijing China in 2007 is my connection to my study of Confucius while playing the Sahaja Guru Game. I chose my guru and ancient primordial master with the help of vibrations...we all did. We put the numbers 1 to 10 on pieces of paper, crumpled them, did a bandhan and stayed in thoughtless awareness as checked if we felt cool vibrations over any of the pieces of paper. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to play and participate in the "homework" because it helped me to grow so much in Sahaja…

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Managers in the Light of Confucius & (VIDEO) Abi & Isabelle: WHY Confucius and NOT Lao-Tzu?!- Sahaj Guru Game

Shri Mataji about Confucius: "Par exemple, Confucius a lancé l'humanisme" (Shuddy Camps, UK, 1987 - lecture on Samkhya, Yoga and fanaticism) "Confucius has Taught the Humanity how we can improve our relations with other human beings." (Beijing, China,  1995 - speech at the Fourth World Conference on Women) Confucius about himself: "At fifteen I set my mind upon wisdom. At thirty I stand firm. At fourty I was free of doubts. At fifty I understood the laws of Heaven. At sixty my ear was docile. At seventy I could follow the desires of my heart without transgressing…

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