Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity – One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution

Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity - One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution Read the Address from the founder of Sahaja Yoga to the Sahaja Yoga Meditation practitioners in India during an International Christmas Seminar in 1988: A Big Revolution for the Ocean of Humanity "Today we all Sahaja Yogis are standing on the brink of the ocean, ocean of humanity where we have to face the problems of human beings otherwise in the nature there are no problems. They're all already solved. So, one has to understand that it's not just…

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Einstein’s Puzzle: “How to Repair the World?!” – Sweet Story with ‘Handy Solution’

Albert Einstein and Sahaja Yogis are like Scientists Children in Pursuit of Truth & Beauty 'Study and, in general the pursuit of Truth and Beauty is a Sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all of our lives.' 'If I had an hour to save the world I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute finding solutions'. The  above 2 quotes belong to  Albert Einstein and I feel they represent a good introduction to the  Story below that is so purely Sahaj in its essence - for this reason I…

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