Join the “New Beginnings” Public Program: Meditation, Live Flute Music, Science and .. More on Saturday, March 24 2018, from 2pm-4pm

What: Free Public Program = Open to All When: on Saturday, March 24, 2pm-4pm Where: Brant Hills Community Centre in Mountainside Room Address: 2255 Brant Hills Community Centre Special Guests Shivangna who will offer a Flute Recital that will also accompany our Guided Meditation for Mother Earth Ana-Bianca Popa, MSc Neuroscience at Western University, who will offer a Presentation of Scientific Research on Meditation Kathleen M. - Fun with Cool Yogis Kids   The Event is dedicated to honor the birthday of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, as well to honor all Women, as…

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Today, March 21st – The World’s Inner Peace Day -> WHO triggered it?! It is Nawroz & 1st Day of Spring too!

“I would say that myself whatever I have done is this: that I have been able to find out a method how to give you Self-Realization (=awaken the Kundalini subtle energy) to masses. But it doesn’t mean that if I give to masses, they are all Sahaja Yogis, no. You must have seen, whenever you have your programs, people get realization when I am there and they come to programs for a while and then they drop off. The reason is they have not meditated. If they had meditated, they would have known what is their quality,…

Continue ReadingToday, March 21st – The World’s Inner Peace Day -> WHO triggered it?! It is Nawroz & 1st Day of Spring too!