Miranda’s Testimonial from Barrie & Snapshot from The Free Press Journal (India, March 2013)

Miranda: "This is a feeling that everyone deserves to experience!"My name is Miranda Gilbert and I live in Barrie. Over the years I have been attracted to and tried various meditation practices, from mindfulness meditation, to Falun Gong, and many places in between. When I heard about classes being offered for free at the library, I jumped at the chance to try it. The first day I was amazed at the calmness of the group and the ease with which Sahaja Yoga brought me past my ego states and into a feeling of complete peace.This last year…

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Letter of Appreciation: Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch & Learn Program (October 10, 2013)

Letter of Appreciation to Sahaja Yoga Meditation - from Canada Revenue Agency   Meditation Meets the Corporate World at the CRA Lunch and Learn Program   Vassili: " I remember her saying, ' I feel so peaceful.' Vassili, Sahaja Yoga volunteer instructor, took a half day off from work (he is a great massage therapist!) and met Peter, Isabelle and myself at the Canada Revenue Agency venue. An auditorium was set aside for the lunch and learn programs that were initiated to improve the health and wellness of its employees. About 40 employees had signed up for the meditation seminar, one…

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