Meditate with Stories on Motherhood and Crown Chakra

Meditate with Stories on Motherhood and Crown Chakra provided by Shri Mataji This article represents a compilation of Shri Mataji's quotes revealing the various connections that exists between the 'principle of Mother' and other aspects of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, such as Kundalini, Self-realization and of course, the Crown Chakra.We hope that you will become fascinated with the 'sahaj world' that we are sharing and you'll enjoy exploring it further! This article represents an opportunity for a meditative lecture with "stories on Motherhood and Crown chakra", so you can learn many new things as well experience a state…

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Nirananda Band & Ahilan & Sahaja Yoga Meditation in a Special FREE Event in Burlington on Wednesday, August 11 @ 7PM

The Evening of Sahaj Friendship with Live Music, Meditation & Raki Artcrafts Workshops Come & Enjoy - Surprises, Knowledge about Heart & Throat Chakras & COOL Artcrafts Workshop "What is a Raki?! Let's Make One Now!" Time: 7PM - 9 PM Location: Brant Hills Community Centre (Nelson Room) Address: 2255 Brant Street, L7R 3Z6 Info: [email protected] Free Event - Open to the Public - Bring a Friend or more :-)

Continue ReadingNirananda Band & Ahilan & Sahaja Yoga Meditation in a Special FREE Event in Burlington on Wednesday, August 11 @ 7PM