Burlington Kids experience the Joyfulness of Holi Festival

The BT reporter took this photo and posted in the local media's article about this community event offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network "It was great to meet you all. It was a super fun and colourful event; I enjoyed it." We invite you to Explore this Article that is sharing the Holi Joy experienced in Burlington Photo from Ioana P. (Sahaja Yoga Meditation Network); summer in Ontario Let's learn about the Subtle Significance of the Holi Festival in connection with the Yoga system "The colors are all representing your chakras (subtle energy centres). These are all the…

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Celebrate “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day” on Sat, March 18 with “The Festival of New Beginnings” in Burlington

Come to Enjoy a Traditional Cultural Recital and Meditate for Mother Earth Together with Montreal and Toronto Yogis and Artists Come to Enjoy a Traditional Cultural Recital and Meditate for Mother Earth Together with Montreal and Toronto Yogis and Artists This will be such a rich cultural event featuring traditions from Iran, Turkiye, Ukraine, Romania and India expressed through the art of music, dance and surprises. Something special is that at some point, the artists will come together and sing for all of us several spiritual songs, charged with positive energy that will uplift our spirits and…

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