The Divine Mechanism and Chemistry of Subtle Energy (Find out Who was The First Deity and Why) In-Depth Lecture on Lord Ganesha – The Root Chakra’s Governor

Who was The First Deity?! The Deity of Principle! Let's learn about  the divine mechanism and the chemistry of subtle energy. We will also find out who was the first deity and why.  This discovery journey is offered by the subtle knowledge provided by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. We will actually dive into the pool of "nirmal vidya" offered by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. It's a lot to absorb so let's get ready! "The first deity that was created by the Adi Shakti ('the primordial power' in Sanskrit - considered to be a feminine entity /goddess) was Shri…

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Special Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM

Celebrate International Women's DayLet's Realize and Recognize our Feminine Power from within! How ?! During a Special Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class dedicated to Kundalini Shakti (Power in Sanskrit) - the subtle energy that unconsciously was associated with Mother Mary - seen as the Mother of God, as a Virgin and as a Protective Queen, all in One.Definitely,the truth in this symbolism (born in the laic expression of Christianity) can be felt during the Sahaj meditation and its workshops. Through this form of meditation, while reciting mantras or expressing an open Heart chakra and  a pure and vibrant…

Continue ReadingSpecial Event: “Ode to Kundalini Shakti with Bhajans, Meditation and Experiences” – on Wednesday, March 10 @ 7 PM