Special Class – Learn & Experience from Sharing Cabella in Halton

Let's gather together & experience positive vibrations and chakras cleansing through the Power of Truth expressed in Words When: on Friday, August 21 Location & Time: Oakville Class There will be special guests invited: Sahaja Yogis that just returned from an international yoga meditation seminar & festival  that was held recently at Cabella Ligure in Italy; Who can participate: everyone that had come already to at least several sahaja yoga meditation classes; this class is tailored for Intermediate-Advanced level and is hosted as a free meditation & workshop special event in Halton by both Burlington and Oakville…

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Sahaj Canada Day in Photos @ Burlington’s Strawberry Social Festival at Joseph Brant Museum, in 2009

Right here  - Burlington Downtown Waterfront - we've celebrated Canada Day 2009.We had many friends visiting us from as far as Vaughan as well from all around GTA.Yes, the event was called Strawberry Social and this name honours the true essence ("taste"!) of this community event: we all enjoyed the yummy strawberries, the great events provided by the organizing team (check out here)  and we had a wonderful time socializing with everyone around. We've made new friends that visited our booth and received the gift of sahaj cool-positive energy as well we've enjoyed the unexpected company of…

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