Breathtaking: Ocean – Singer Nicki Wells (Superb MUSIC VIDEO!!)

"Just like when we put salt in the sea water it gets dissolved in it completely, in this way you should be dissolved in this infinite ocean, and concentration should come in us. This bliss is beyond explanation. A person who has completely submerged himself in the ocean of Sahaja bliss, for him there cannot remain any problem or question left unanswered because this is the ocean of Shiva Tattwa. This is the ocean of tremendous Shakti (power). And this tremendous Shakti is of the love of Lord Shiva, it is of the ocean of Shiva Tattwa…

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About New Ideas and How can I improve my Focus? A Teen’s VIDEO Testimonial and Inspiring Quotes

Found it during a walk. This article is meant to open our mind to new possibilities that are inspired and not mentally constructed. This is an old posting but we are sure it has revelance through the quotes of wisdom shared below, as well with a video-testimonial of a teenager from Burlington who speaks about how the practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation helped with her focus and not only. Let's Explore these Inspiring Quotes about New Ideas and A Teen's VIDEO Testimonial Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation- says: "Anybody who came up with…

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