Sorin – Nascut din nou

"Este atât de simplu si noi îl facem atât de complicat. Oare cum ar arata lumea noastra daca toti am trai in acest Adevar?" Sorin :-)- Venim pe pamânt, dintr-o mama, ne traim Aventura ce ne e data si apoi ne întoarcem înapoi într-o alta Mama, mama Pamânt. Fiecare dintre noi traim mai devreme sau mai târziu, in decursul vietii noastre, momente de singuratate, indiferent de catre cine suntem înconjurati si cat de mult suntem iubiti. In astfel de momente unii dintre noi simt tristetea singuratatii, însa altii suntem curiosi de viata si menirea ei, punând-ne clasicele…

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Sorin – Born again Testimonial

Sorin - yogi meditator and vocal lead for some of the musical performances offered during the many Public programs organized in Burlington by the Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation team of volunteers. Let's listen to Sorin who is a Sahaja Yogi now, sharing his 'Born Again' Testimonial about Sahaja Yoga Meditation impacting his life on such a deep and profound level " It is so simple but the believing process it might be so complicated. What our world should look like if we would all live in this Truth ?! " Sorin :-) Poster from a beautiful CD…

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