Martin Luther King’s Day – Recognition from Spiritual Leader with Subtle Key for MLK’s last Speech

Shri Mataji about Martin Luther King and Spiritual Parallels - Realized Souls, Peace and the Crown Chakra Martin Luther King: "Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal."   Shri Mataji: There can be no Peace in the World until there is peace within."   Today's article is dedicated to Martin Luther King's Day. Let's bring into our collective attention the responsibility we have for Peace on Earth, as Cool Citizens of Mother Earth's Realm, that includes its subtler spiritual layer that we'll be exploring…

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A Sahaj Essay on Horses & People at Horse Rescue Centres – Love & Support in a Journey that Stregthens the Hearts

"Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's heart." Chinese Proverb When the Unconditional Love becomes Support & Bond I've asked Liallyn, dear and respected friend, also an experienced practitioner and volunteer teacher of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, to find words for her special connection with horses. On Easter weekend 2010, Liallyn had visited us from Edmonton and my entire family had listened fascinated to her stories about the time she spends as volunteer at the Horse Rescue centre -near Edmonton. The she showed us some photos from that magic place where the sahaj spirit is already at…

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