¿Por qué meditar con las manos abiertas? Mahoma y Sahaja Yoga con Gestos como Mantras. Las Manos son Importantes para Bendecir, Sanar y Construir Colectividad

"Cuando pones tus manos hacia mí, eso es un Mantra." "Verás, no hay necesidad de decirlo más, pero el pensamiento en la mente, la emoción, es a lo que extendemos nuestras manos y debería funcionar. Cuando esta emoción está absolutamente completa, no hay necesidad de decir un mantra; vas más allá. Así que uno tiene que estar absolutamente sin esfuerzo, absolutamente sin esfuerzo. La meditación es para tu propio ascenso, es para tu propio beneficio personal que debes tener, pero una vez que lo tienes, también alcanzas tus poderes. En este momento no tienes que pensar en…

Continue Reading¿Por qué meditar con las manos abiertas? Mahoma y Sahaja Yoga con Gestos como Mantras. Las Manos son Importantes para Bendecir, Sanar y Construir Colectividad

Why Meditate with Open Hands ?! Mohammed & Sahaja Yoga with Gestures as Mantras & Hands are Important as Blessings, Healers & Builders of Collectivity

"When you put your hands towards me, that is a Mantra." "You see, there is no need to say it more, but the thought in the mind the emotion, is what we spread our hands to that and it should work. When this emotion is absolutely complete there is no need to say a mantra- you go beyond it. So one has to be absolutely effortless, absolutely effortless. Meditation is for your own ascent, is for your own capital gains that you have to have, but once you got it, you also achieve your powers. At this…

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February 17 – Invitation to Special Free Event: “Sahaj Valentine Day – Happy Heart Chakra with Meditation, Drums and Healthy Tips”

The Heart is the Centre point of the Creation (Shri Mataji) and hence All Chakras are subservient to it. It is the power-house of the body and from it energy flows to all other points. It is the seat of the Spirit, the ultimate source of all power..." Shri Mataji -founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation   On Wednesday, February 17 , from 7PM till 9 PM We invite Everyone to this Unique Event that combines Art & Spirituality & Medicine for the wellness, balance and joy of our Hearts. Where & When: here and additional info (parking)…

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Poet Namdev, the Kite and The Spirit – All say: “Awaken and Arise!”

There is this real fascination for kites that we all have. Not only when we are children but it stays within us during our entire  lifetime. Same kind of fascination we have for Stars. In general for the notion of Rising and reaching above - for the sense of flying towards larger-purer spaces where we become ourselves more elevated beings.  Enjoy the poem: "The boy takes paper, cuts it and makes a kite, and flies it in the sky. Talking with his friends, he still keeps his attention on the kite string. My mind has been pierced…

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