Sahaja Yoga Meditation: A Featured Exhibitor @ 13th FREE Annual Halton Eco-Festival (Sat, April 6, 2013)

The above represents the customized poster that we had received by surprise from the Eco Festival's show manager, Oakville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rights. Thank you Stephen! Indeed, Sahaja Yoga Meditation had been a proud exhibitor for several years in a row already, to this beautiful and much needed community event in Halton region. Enjoy (click on) some of our "memories" = experiences & photo-albums collected from the previous years. WATCH Faina's LIVE Testimonial on Sahaja Yoga Meditation from Halton Eco-Festival (2011) (2012) Children Love to Meditate in Halton (Photo-Album)  (2011) Photos & Experiences: Students & Seniors!   (2010)  Yogis Singing-Performing@…

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Broad-Mindedness Knit in Bond of Wonderful Love – Letter from Yoga teacher

Enjoy this Powerful Letter from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation Note: Shri Mataji was in England at that time and wrote to Her  disciples from India (English translation) Photo showing Shri Mataji visiting Scotland in 1979  Shri Matai's Letter is translated below: My dearest Sahaja Yogis : My Blessings to you all, News has been conveyed to me that a new Center is functioning in Muskwadi Village (Rahuri), where thousands of people are getting Realization. The achievement has been made only because the "workers" over there have knit themselves in bond…

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Swan Lake Video & How to Meditate and Why with Yoga Master’s Photo, Why Foot-soaking is Important in Clearing the Chakras – Useful Tips & Answers

Water for Simple Chakra Cleansing Technique:  "The Foot-Soak" - Restoring Balance & Purity in our Subtle Energy System "As it is said, everyone must go to bathroom and clean oneself after getting up in the morning. Similarly, for Sahaja Yogis, it is extremely necessary to have foot-soaking treatment, at least for five minutes, before going to bed. However highly evolved you may be :-) .. it does not matter. You must do foot-soaking for at least five minutes. Even I take this treatment sometimes, although it is not necessary for me, so that my Sahaja Yogis will…

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My quest got answered

Ever since high school, I have searched for the truth. The truth about life - what is life about really, what is our purpose in life, why are there so many religions and why are there so many conflicts in different religions when they are all directing us to the source of all that is. What about all the sacred books such as the Bhagavat Gita, the Koran, the Bible, the Guru Granth etc., do any of the stories and the messages conveyed in those books hold any truth? How can I get guidance at every step…

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