About New Ideas and How can I improve my Focus? A Teen’s VIDEO Testimonial and Inspiring Quotes

Found it during a walk. This article is meant to open our mind to new possibilities that are inspired and not mentally constructed. This is an old posting but we are sure it has revelance through the quotes of wisdom shared below, as well with a video-testimonial of a teenager from Burlington who speaks about how the practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation helped with her focus and not only. Let's Explore these Inspiring Quotes about New Ideas and A Teen's VIDEO Testimonial Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation- says: "Anybody who came up with…

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Seeking and Rationality in Invitation Letter from Yoga Teacher to “This Feast of Divine Bliss”

Seeking and Rationality - Great Answers with Definitions and Explanations Let's explore the quotes provided from the Lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. We cal all introspect and learn how to trust our Seeking and not fall into the traps of 'rationality' eveyr single time. :-) Enjoy! "In our Searching, we are asking for the Actual Experience. In all the scriptures it has been said that we will be born again. We are looking for a second birth which is within us. All the religions talk about it, We have…

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