How to Fight out Negativity – Importance of Archetype Saint Michael Bhairavanath Principle – The Importance of Having Fun for Chakras, the Lunar Energy Channel and the Collectivity
Shri Mataji: "I think we have not understood the significance of Bhairavnath who runs up and down on the Ida Nadi." Note: Shri Bhairavanath represents the subtle principle known as the Archangel Michael in Christianity and who plays a subtle role within the chakra system, representing the energy flowing along the left subtle energy channel). Shri Mataji: "Ida Nadi is the nadi (Sanskrit for 'channel') of Chandrama, of the Moon. So this is a channel for us to cool down. So the work of Bhairavanathji is to Cool us down.For example, people have a hot temper with…