(VIDEO) The Sheen – Legends of the Light & Wisdom: “To be or not to be in Meditation” OR “How to Find your own Kingdom” (CASUAL CELTIC MUSIC)

To Be or Not to Be in Meditation. "We cannot meditate. We only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning; we have to be in meditation; either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that 'Now I am outside the house'. When you are outside the house, you cannot say 'I am inside the house'. In the same way, you are moving in 3 dimensions of your life of emotional, physical and mental being. Inside the House of our Being,We become…

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Why Stay in the Present & Advice for Spiritual Ascent, Wounds and Weaknesses

Know our Wounds and Repair them '..we have to repair all the time all our wounds which we have caught ourselves by our foolishness, by our lust,  by our greed and by so many false identifications we carry with ourselves. ...If we know what our weaknesses are, it’s better; we can really swim  across better. Supposing on a ship there is a hole and the water is coming in  through that hole the attention of all the crew, of all t he staff and the captain himself will be on that hole from where the water is…

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Consejo Sahaja para el Ascenso Espiritual – Permanece en el Presente

Conocer nuestras Heridas y Repararlas ".. Tenemos que reparar siempre todas nuestras heridas que nos hemos hecho por nuestra necedad, por nuestra lujuria, por nuestra codicia y por tantas falsas identificaciones que llevamos con nosotros. ... Si sabemos cuáles son nuestras debilidades, es mejor; Realmente podemos nadar mejor. Supongamos que en un barco hay un agujero y el agua entra por ese agujero, la atención de toda la tripulación, de todo el personal y el capitán mismo estará puesta en ese agujero por donde entra el agua y en ningún otro lugar. De la misma manera, debemos estar…

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