What is Maya ? Meditate with Monali on King Janaka as Primordial Guru (Sahaj Guru Game 2011)

Enjoy Video-Presentation & Article on Shri Janaka - the Philosopher King & Primordial Guru What is Maya? What is Maya created by God versus Maya created by Human Beings?! Shri Mataji: "So they say that this maya is created by God. No! Maya that God has created is this world, this whole universe and all that but this illusive life is created by human beings. Absolutely, through their projections of their brains and mental capacities, they have projected..  So this is one of the illusions that human beings have created is what you call is money maya…

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Zarathustra, Parsi and Zoroastrism – an Essay by Armaity

Few years back, I was asking Armaity to share with us, sahaja yogis, about her Parsi and Zoroastrian heritage, of course through her eyes now, when she is practising sahaja yoga meditation and has access to what we call pure knowledge (a fundamental attribute of the 2nd centre: Swadhisthana chakra). Luckily I had found that message from her and it is shared (in excerpts) with everyone: ZARATHUSTRA & ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION Zarathustra is one of the earliest prophets in the recorded history of mankind and his teachings and revelations are being practiced today in the form of a…

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Cosmic Changes of Final Ignition on Nowruz – Motherly Guru’s Plea in The Land of Yoga on Vernal Equinox, 1977

Glorious Speech of Shri Mataji on her borthday anniverasary on March 21, 1977 Let's absorb the wisdom and subtle knowledge shared by Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - with the occasion of her birthday celebration in India, on March 21st, 1977 during an International Sahaja Yoga Meditation Seminar. "And my Vibrations are flowing from my eyes as tears to see that, in this Kali yuga (the dark age) also, there are people who are grateful to a Mother who just gives an abstract thing known as Vibration. Actually I do not give you……

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