Feeling that urge to grow ? Feeling the Smog within ? Yoga Day celebrated with Truthfulness and Reminder of Inner Beauty – A Meditative Essay about the Power of Love that Benefits the Whole World
"You go to develop your Inner Being with All Truthfulness to Your Self" "Before Realization this was alright, every way, but after Realization you have to be very, very careful. It’s a tremendous thing to have Awakening, it’s a tremendous thing to have Realization, it is, no doubt. But to maintain it, you must have, first of all, personal integrity. If you are bent upon deceiving yourself nobody can help you." Long Term Policy versus Short Term Policy "In Sahaja Yoga, as you know, there is no fees, nothing. It’s for your gain. It’s for your good. It’s a short term policy to be something nonsensical. One must think of…