Powers of Silence – Meditate on Cosmic Silence (2 video clips)

Genesis in Silence Powers of Silence - Meditate on Cosmic Silence "Now, let’s see who is this God and what am I talking about. In the beginning, it was just a Silence, complete Silence. And out of the Silence, when 'it' awakened, the Silence was awakened. That Silence is called as “Parama-Brahma” in Sanskrit language. I have to use Sanskrit language, it doesn’t mean that 'it is something Hindu'. These ideas you must get rid of. Because in India, people have meditated much more. The atmosphere (there in India) is so nice and warm, people can live even under a tree. They had lot…

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Remembering Shri Mataji on February 23rd: Yogic Experiences, Connections, Realizations, Dreams

On February 23rd,  2011 (02-23-2011) -  one would say that Shri Mataji  - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - had 'departed from this world'.  Did  She?! Many of us who had been practicing sahaja yoga for 20+ years, can share amazing enlightening experiences with Shri Mataji. Such stories were captured in many books that can be found on Amazon and in libraries around the world. Let's realize that Shri Mataji's motherly spiritual protection and calling is  continuously reaching out to all  seekers that are spiritually equipped to be children of Mother Earth's Kundalini - the ones…

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What is Swadhisthana Chakra? What it does ?! (10min video!) + Connections!

The Vibratory Awareness & Swadhisthana Chakra(VIDEO #2) Swadhisthana Chakra - Art with Vibrations & The Brain Activity - The Destructive Power of Time"Swadisthana Chakra, which is for our creativity, is directly connected to that Ego there (look on the subtle system chart below). And when it starts rotating round the Void (the circled area on the subtle system map)  and going to the various parts of the Void, it collects all the problems of the Void. Void is that green circle within us where physically we have in the Void, we have uterus, we have kidney -…

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What is Self Realization (VIDEO), The Spiral Movement and RECENT Scientific Research on Sahaja Yoga Meditation: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time Workers

(VIDEO) Back In Time 30 Years - Vancouver- Public Program with Chakra Workshop with the Light Element + Chakra Protection (Bandhan) Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 960583, 8 pages doi:10.1155/2011/960583Research ArticleA Randomized, Controlled Trial of Meditation for Work Stress, Anxiety and Depressed Mood in Full-Time WorkersR. Manocha,1 D. Black,2 J. Sarris,3,4 and C. Stough41Discipline of Psychiatry, Sydney Medical School, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney University, St Leonards, NSW 2065,  Australia2Faculty of Health Sciences, Cumberland Campus C42, The University of Sydney, P.O. Box 170, Lidcombe, NSW 1825,  Australia3Department of Psychiatry, The University of…

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Breathing Meditation Exercise with Shri Mataji (What is Meditation for Prana & Mana? A Pranayama Lesson)

Meditative Rose from Louis-Marie & Yoga Meditation Exercise Lesson "How to Meditate - How to Breathe" by Shri Mataji  (Brahmam Gardens, Earls Court, London (UK), 1982. - Below is the Transcript for this video and a bit more from the second lesson) "Now, what we can do is today what should I tell you, the practical side, the meditation, all right, let’s see what is meditation is, what we have to do for a meditation. The first thing we have got is the left side, see is the Mana Shakti, is the power of your emotion, alright.…

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Short VIDEO Gift on Orthodox Easter: Joy of Life (Happy Easter) or Are we missing the Point?!

Wishing A Happy Easter to All that Celebrate this weekend the Orthodox Easter! Short Enlighening video with Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation 1986 ORF Radio Interview - Children, and the Joy in Life from Sahaja Library on Vimeo. (Archive video: Extract from H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi being interviewed for ORF Radio, Vienna, Austria. 1986. (1986-0709)

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