Yoann in 2 Canadian Newspapers: Burlington Post & VIDEO Collection from Yoann’s Tour

Click on the Photos to Read well the Burlington Post Article that appeared in the Art Section of this Newspaper's Issue from October 6, 2010 Enjoy Story about this Event & Collection of YOANN's Videos from his Canadian Tour Many Thanks to Nikki, the photo reporter from Burlington Post who graciously accepted our Invitation - despite her usual hectic schedule -  to participate that evening, on September 29, in Brant Hills Community Centre to this community event that was offered for free as it was sponsored by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. That was a truly memorable night when…

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Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities

Discover why one can perceive the Sahaj Values as Benefits and Responsibilities Let's go through this quote from our Sahaja Yoga Master - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You can feel guided through the various layers of the 'sahaj values' or ideals and in the same time absorb their meaning and potency when applied in our daily lives. Let's learn, apply and enjoy the loving wisdom from Shri Mataji! "Sahaja Yoga is a very big subject.... This is the one by which you get your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual integration because…

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