Letter from Shri Mataji to Sahaja Yogis – with poem by Armaity

Letter from Shri Mataji to Sahaja Yogis   My dear Sahaja Yogis, I left you with a heavy heart and the silent sorrow in your expression made me feel helpless. How rich  you are in your feelings! As if the sea of Love was rising and its every crest wept in your hearts. I could  feel the tempest of my Kundalini. How can words express the sorrow which was witnessed by us in Silence. The three months passed away so fast. The only records of all the eventful moments is the deep  feeling of gratitude for all…

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Happy Diwali with Powerful Diwali Letter from Shri Mataji (1976)

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Diwali -Clay Lamp -photo by Akhil Tandulwadikar

New York Letter - 1976 "My dear Sahaja Yogis, my dear children, Let this Diwali enlighten you with light of love. You yourself are the lamps which burn high and don’t get pressed by the cover. They become much more powerful than the cover. It is their own asset. When they are hit upon, they are disturbed and extinguished, Why are our lamps disturbed ? You should think over it. Is there no transparent sheath around them ? Have you forgotten your Mother’s love and therefore you are so disturbed? As the glass protects the lamp, in…

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Soul and Spirit in A Glass – An Impromptu Sahaj Lab with “The West Australian” and “Il Personaggio”: Obituaries from Australia to Italy (Newspapers)

Of course, there are many articles that appeared in newspapers around the world  but these were the first to be shared in the sahaj community. Not many know that Shri Mataji had revealed to us that countries as well have a subtle role related to their own subtle energy that contributes to a subtle energy centre (chakra) or specific attribute within the Cosmic body. About Italy, Shri Mataji had mentioned that represents the Soul in the cosmic level. So it is no coincidence that in this land her 'departure from Earth' had started and ultimately happened, also…

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Whiter Than Snow on February 23, 2011 – Silk Detachment Farewell Bow of our Mother Guru

".. on Guru Day, Mother would like to wear something of a lighter shade; White, the pure color of silk, complete detachment. But in white all the colors are mixed, then only it becomes white. Such a Balance and Unity it is. It should be that YOU should become White and Whiter than Snow." "DETACHMENT IS PURITY, IS INNOCENCE. INNOCENCE IS SUCH A LIGHT, LIGHT THAT REALLY BLINDS YOU TO ALL THAT IS FILTHY. You would not even know that a person has come with bad intentions. A person comes to you, comes to steal. You'll say,…

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With Trust Open the Heart to Love’s Sophistication & Fragrance from Flowers & Weeds

"So you have to believe in yourself and enjoy the way gently you are sweeping into the current of your Mother's Love. Just enjoy that. Like a flower that falls into the current and flows and enjoys all the beauties of that current. In the same way you should enjoy. When that enjoyment comes into you, you will start trusting. And trust your Mother. I try many things to correct you ; but trust in one thing, that whatever I try for you or do anything, anything I may do for you it is just to cleanse…

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Blessings as Temptations – Solution from Antar Yoga: The Knowledge of the Root versus That Garden of Eden

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The_Garden_of_Earthly_Delights_by_Bosch_High_Resolution-source Wikipedia

Shri Mataji: "When they get any blessings of material wealth, it will happen ..again the same that garden of Eden is coming back to you and when it starts coming back to you again, you go back to the same stages.  Now you must understand, that you have to be supreme, so you must master all this. Nothing is important, nothing is important, only the Spirit is important. Then only you can get out of. This also can act as a Temptation for you, you see.   All the Blessings that are coming to you are Temptations. So you…

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