Let’s Learn from The Shivaratri Seminar (PHOTOS, INVOCATIONS, PRAYERS, STORY)

Our Shivaratri Puja this year in Ontario was special for us, yogis in Halton & Niagara regions, because we were nominated the "hosting party", so the entire vision for the decoration theme for the hall, as well the flow of the entire seminar was let's say it: in our hands. Grateful we were, but in the same time we had realized that we better do our homework and research on all symbols and deeper significance of Shiva - Sahashiva aspects and its powerful impact on our chakra system. It was the 1st time that we had to…

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Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols

Discover "Who is Lord Shiva in Mythology and Diagram with Symbols" and Enjoy the Connection to Chakras with a VIDEO Example of Meditation for Heart Meditation with Shri Mataji for the Heart Chakra  - Sahaja Yoga Seminar in UK, 1988 "Please close your eyes.. Now we will all do the meditation .. We will work on the left hand (energy channel) side.. (keep) the left hand towards me. Now first of all you put your (right) hand on your Heart. In the heart resides Shiva, is The Spirit. So you have to thank your Spirit that it…

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