Paula: My family benefits from my Meditation – Part 4

HEALING PROTECTION Now here come the miracles, subtle and many that are still unfolding. I started meditating a few minutes per day and continued the classes. And subtly, I realized that these peaceful moments of thoughtlessness were healing me and a protection had begun to form around me. I noticed that I was becoming a detached witness to my life. The first time I noticed it was in my marriage. During my first year of marriage, I had reacted very much, and taken things very personally. A lot of arguments that were only mole hills, had escalated…

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Paula – Why Sahaja Yoga??!! -Part 3

FALSE KNOWLEDGE I went to one yoga place which was based on uncontrolled exercises, jumping up and down, kicking, flailing my arms around and some chanting. The exercises felt unsafe and pointless and sporadic. In the end I felt humiliated by the teacher who rolled his eyes into his head and tried to read my mind. He tried to «reveal» something about me and embarrassed me in front of my friends. I burst into tears, and left knowing I would never be back there. A second place I went, they were shooting a video and seemed indifferent.…

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