Partners in REvolution! (UNESCO for Peace and Sahaja Yoga)

Sahaja Yoga in the Latest News at UNESCO Centre for Peace: Chairman and Executive Director of UNESCO Centre for Peace @ REvolution in Paris (excerpt from the article on UNESCO Centre for Peace site: Frederick, MD – December 8th, 2012, Mr. Guy Djoken, Chairman of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO Clubs, Centers & Associations Working Group and Executive Director of UNESCO Center for Peace joined hundreds of Sahaja meditation practitioners, guests and friends at La Coupole du Printemps de la Mode in Paris, France. Their landmark “R/EVOLUTION was an unprecedented event sponsored by “coolcheck” in their…

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Solving The Equation At R/Evolution: From We to One

Read more about the article Solving The Equation At R/Evolution: From We to One
Ontario Revolution Flyer by Mads (yogi-meditator-designer) from Denmark

Article by Paula Erskine (volunteer instructor to sahaja yoga meditation classes in Halton region) Ontario Revolution Flyer by Mads (yogi-meditator-designer) from Denmark Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make Ontario's FREE R/Evolution Event available to the public. As some of you know by now, Sahaja Free Meditation is celebrating seven years in Burlington so it was quite symbolical that this was the town hosting the entire event! The international sahaja yoga team of talented volunteers were from as far away as Denmark, Romania, UAE, Russia and India. Of course the three yogi designers from the Greater Toronto Area provided artwork, graphic design and…

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The Humanitarian about the Ontario R/Evolution!

On Saturday, December 8, 2012, between 3pm-5pm will happen a great FREE event " Ontario R/Evolution" at Brant Hills community centre located at 2255 Brant Street in Burlington Ontario. The Humanitarian newspaper had dedicated to this Ontarian "not to be missed" Public Event a full article by Paula Erskine in its November 2012 issue.  Below we have the full article, courtesy to The Humanitarian, also the Poster and the link to important details.Make sure that you register for this event here ** we want to make sure that everyone will get a place reserved and will receive…

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