The Roles of Avatars and Incarnations (Shri Mataji’s Job)

Shri Mataji: "The Sent One, means the Avatar, means the Incarnation" "..the Aim of the Incarnation is to Save, to Protect the people who are Seekers because they are the most important people in the realm of spirituality." Let's explore in this article the deep significance of the roles of Avatars and Incarnations. One will realize their contribution to the overall evolution of human beings. You will have access to a compilation of excerpts from the immense pool of pure knowledge shared via thousand of talks of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the Founder of Sahaja Yoga…

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Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini

Let's Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini energy. We will Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial Taboos Reflected in Chakra Knowledge Photo from Burlington, spring 2023. You should learn quite a bit about the Nabhi Chakra and its connections to Sahaj Dharma , Kundalini energy and other chakras. One might wonder: Where is Kundalini energy Rising First?! What is Sahaj Dharma? This article is helpful for those that want to dive deeper into the universe of subtle knowledge that is offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Let's Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial…

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Jedi-Essay on Sari and Things with Expressive Symbols of Love

Let's Explore this Jedi-Essay on Sari and Things with Expressive Symbols of Love from Sahaja Yoga Meditation with Shri Mataji's Quotes of Wisdom Detachment is Complete Poetry in Sahaja Yoga Many students of Sahaja Yoga Meditation coming to our classes start asking: 'Now, what should we wear? What is closer to the idea of a yogi, what is recommended?' Maybe because of the popularity of Jedi order from  'Star Wars' or because many sport or spiritual practices are using uniforms or a particular dress code. However, in sahaja yoga we experience a Natural and Spontaneous Connection to…

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Socrates about Ram Navami & Magic Tabla Music

Meditation on Live Tabla Recital & Introduction to Right Heart Chakra - with the occasion of King Rama's Birthday ( the Ram Navami festival) - During this special event we've explored the sense of righteousness, responsibility and good will that are nurtured in our Right Anahat energy centre (Anahat centre is called Heart chakra as well as it is placed at heart's level). On Friday, April 3, 2009, at the Oakville Class we had a  Special Event  dedicated to Ram Navami. We had participants coming from our Halton Classes (Burlington and Oakville) plus friends of theirs that had an…

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