(photos & impressions) Great Feedback from Unionville Highschool for 10 Inner Peace Workshops @ Wellness Fair on May 15, 2015

Unionville Highschool - Wellness Fair on May 15, 2015. Sahaja Yoga Meditation participated with 10 Inner Peace workshops. FEEDBACK from Students and Teachers "Amazing meditation 4Life!!"Thank you!! Practical, helpful, inspirational!  I am most grateful." Liz"Your session was absolutely incredible!  I got much more out of that than I had anticipated. This is something I definitely will explore more at home.""It’s like an awakening or awakened. Really interesting!""What a wonderful class. I am feeling so at peace and relaxed. Thank you!""Easy to understand. Calm.Really good demonstration and explains well of how meditation works.""Thank you so much! This was a…

Continue Reading(photos & impressions) Great Feedback from Unionville Highschool for 10 Inner Peace Workshops @ Wellness Fair on May 15, 2015

Rainbow Brings Great Feedback from Youth Housing, Young Parent, Infant and Children’s Centre: Appreciation Lettter for Inner Peace meditation workshop!

Excerpt from the original letter received for the Inner Peace workshop offered by Halton Sahaja Yoga Meditation team.Our team of 5 volunteers: Cherry, Cherise, Holly, Emma and Ioana had been invited by the Catholic Family Services of Hamilton to offer an intro to meditation and yoga to very young moms.It was "meant" to be on Tuesday, that in subtle system of yoga is associated with the Root Chakra -> responsible for maintaining  the inner child within.  Tuesday is Shri Ganesha's Day - quite auspicious and same morning,  first thing, I had seen a beautiful rainbow - I took…

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Canada Revenue Agency: Thank You Letter for Sahaja Yoga Meditation @ Health Fair 2013

CRA & Sahaja Yoga Meditation: Standing Together for Health in CommunityPeter's recollection: "Earlier this year, through the Halton/Niagara website we were contacted by the Canada Revenue Agency. But, for a good reason.They were having a Health Fair at two of their GTA offices and were looking for community participants who could improve the health and lives of their employees. After talking to the CRA organizer, who explained that because of some restructuring and budget cuts there was some stress in the office, she was quite excited that we would come and talk about Sahaja Yoga and maybe…

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