International Women’s Day celebrated in Burlington – How Was it?! Enjoy Photos & Video with Ksenia’s Music!!

Special Event - Ode to Kundalini Shakti On March 10, in Burlington at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Class, we had spent an amazing time together: meditating, learning and singing songs (bhajans) dedicated to Kundalini Energy, also dancing (!), enjoying a potluck and sharing our experiences related to the feminine powers in our life. The highlight was definitely our special guest for that evening: Ksenia - a wonderful singer and sahaja yogini from Toronto - that was both singing and playing at Harmonium classical Indian music for us: bhajans and Ragas. Later that evening we had Ahilan joining Ksenia at Tabla, and one couldn't resist to…

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Day 8 – Whitby Realizing “When Rhythm Becomes Meditation” with Anandita!

Anandita Playing with the Strings of  Emotions in Whitby - Making everyone's Heart Sing & Dance! From Reg, Whitby Firstly i would like to thank  for having Anandita's Canadian Tour organized. Her stay in Whitby was a tremendous joyful experience for both yogis and seekers alike. It is beyond me how she can endure continued travel and performance with very little rest... The Whitby Library supported this event by supplying the extra room and sound equpment free of charge. We had about seventy people in the room. The audience soon relaxed when Anandita started to dance after…

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TODAY! – Free Special Event with 2 Great Performers of Indian Classical Music & Dance – Anandita & Ahilan in Burlington -Wednesday, Dec 2

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Burlington Class Our Special Guests: Ahilan (Maestro of Tabla ) and  Anandita (Great Singer & Dancer visiting from Colombia) These artists are graciously offering us this Special Event as part of the "Art and Spirituality - When Rhythm becomes Meditation"  Tour in Canada. Both Ahilan and Anandita are practising Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Anandita since she was 7 and Ahilan started practising Sahaja Yoga few years back at our regular free meditation classes in Oakville . What is beautiful and special about our special guests is that they can be in meditation while…

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Day 1: ‘Art & Spirituality’ Tour – Dance Videos from Burlington Program

We've had the joy of welcoming more than 100 people to our Burlington Program with "Art & Spirituality" on Nov 24, 2009.  As well we've had the joy of finally introducing the much awaited artist and fellow sahaja yogini Anandita Basu, coming to Canada for the 1st time. Everyone LOVED this Program. We'll try to bring it LIVE to you through several articles rich in videos, images and stories. This article is specially dedicated to VIDEOS and .. few more will be added soon! VIDEO: Anandita Basu - "Rasa" - Solo Kathak Performance (filmed by Gladys) VIDEO:…

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