Child Prodigy and Carols of Birds in ONE INVITE for Free Meditation and Spirituality on Sahaj Halton Christmas

This is our Intimate Halton Sahaj Celebration of Christmas! We'll Have LOTS of Music, a Yummy Potluck (if we all bring goodies!!), Gifts (if we ALL bring 1  Gift for an anonymous Brother or Sister in Sahaj) and  Surprises!! Of course, we'll enjoy a Glorious Meditation all together and We'll Feel the Vibrations our our Get-Together with Lots of Carols from Everywhere And We will Orchestrate our entire Evening .. as an Enthusiastic Prodigy Child (Don't miss the 2 Videos Below! ) Watching this child (thank you Helen for sending the Video!!).. I've noticed how much the…

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Enjoy Photos from Hamilton’s Festival of Friends & Burlington’s Joseph Brant Day Festival

Photo Album from La Salle Park - Aug 2 Civic Holiday in Burlington:  Festival of Joseph Brant DayWe enjoyed a lot that lovely day when so many local sahaja yoga practitioners were "mobilized" to help out, starting with the set-up of our booth /tent early morning by local friends and their families, then continuing with friends that arrived later on also from North York,Mississauga and Brampton, beside the "regular ones" from Burlington, Oakville and Milton. Enjoy also the Nature and The Entertainment so rich, diverse and "first class" always! Special Thanks to Gladys and Abi for saving our special moments in these photos that were shared with you…

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Swan Lake Video & How to Meditate and Why with Yoga Master’s Photo, Why Foot-soaking is Important in Clearing the Chakras – Useful Tips & Answers

Water for Simple Chakra Cleansing Technique:  "The Foot-Soak" - Restoring Balance & Purity in our Subtle Energy System "As it is said, everyone must go to bathroom and clean oneself after getting up in the morning. Similarly, for Sahaja Yogis, it is extremely necessary to have foot-soaking treatment, at least for five minutes, before going to bed. However highly evolved you may be :-) .. it does not matter. You must do foot-soaking for at least five minutes. Even I take this treatment sometimes, although it is not necessary for me, so that my Sahaja Yogis will…

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How & Why Open the Heart? Divine Sensitivity with Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer, Flowers & Sahaja Yoga Culture’s “Know How” from 1989 Guru Lecture

HOW WE SHOULD BEHAVE ?! Feel the Joy of Oneness Together "It was very interesting I was thinking about you all and about the people who have done so much for Sahaja Yoga. It is impossible really to say how many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such interest and dedication. And this dedication is directed by Divine Force that's why I think you people are not even aware how much you have worked so hard without getting any material gain out of it. And the joy has no value. We cannot evaluate in any human terminology…

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What is Ego?! Explanation of Dangers with Chakras & Simple Choice: Two Balloons or the Depth of the Ocean of Joy – Sahaj Tip: Our Hands can help decide!

"I have to tell you thank you very much for this celebration, for all these beautiful balloons." Shri Mataji on her bday celebration We all enjoy the balloons, they mean party & fun & joy. So it is interesting to see how  we can compare components of the subtle system of energy centres and chakras with  some colorful but elusive 'balloons'. Let's take this journey together, following the words of wisdom coming from the founder of sahaja yoga meditation. Ego and Superego - 2 Balloons that take us to Stupidity & away from the Sea of Depth…

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Isabelle – I have found Gentle Strength in Halton at Sahaja Yoga Meditation Classes

Isabelle - living the words of Abraham Lincoln (see the beautiful quote she used in her testimonial) ”The greatest force in the universe is also the gentlest one.” Shopping for a calendar for my cousin, I came across the quote above, that I instantly loved. How lucky we are that this is true. Even my mind (which is my greatest obstacle-blockage-enemy) wants this to be true. And what is this greatest force? It is Love. Silent strength. For a long time I was looking for a big sign to show me the way. But I realize that…

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