Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini

Let's Learn about Nabhi Chakra, Dharma and Kundalini energy. We will Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial Taboos Reflected in Chakra Knowledge Photo from Burlington, spring 2023. You should learn quite a bit about the Nabhi Chakra and its connections to Sahaj Dharma , Kundalini energy and other chakras. One might wonder: Where is Kundalini energy Rising First?! What is Sahaj Dharma? This article is helpful for those that want to dive deeper into the universe of subtle knowledge that is offered by Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Let's Explore Wise Answers in Aboriginals' Seeking and Primordial…

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A Fantastic Meditation Retreat for Children (Daglio)

Daglio - A Fantastic Meditation Retreat for Children Enjoy Ana Bianca's impressions about Daglio - the truly fantastic meditation retreat (as a scamp for children and parents) that is offered annualy in Italy, near Cabella Ligure, by dedicated volunteers from Sahaja Yoga Meditation. She wrote this feedback when she was 15, right after returning from her vacation abroad. Most of the photos she took from there are shared in this article. Enjoy! Find Inspiration Everywhere After two weeks of my stay in Cabella, I spontaneously decided that I’d go to Daglio. I only had about 1 minute…

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