Destiny versus Karma and Chakras Impacted by Thoughts

Discover the Meaning of Destiny versus Karma and Let's Understand how are Chakras Impacted by Thoughts We recommend you to explore this short article in which simple yet essential knowledge is shared through a couple of quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the Founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Enjoy being drawn into a meditative state! :-) (Yogi's Tip): Meditate, No Thoughts on Chakras   "But you must know, that, beyond Thought when you go, these chakrasbecome extremely efficient. Because the Thought puts a pressure onthem (on chakras), and because of the pressure, the movement of these chakras isvery slow and ineffective.…

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(VIDEO) The Sheen – Legends of the Light & Wisdom: “To be or not to be in Meditation” OR “How to Find your own Kingdom” (CASUAL CELTIC MUSIC)

To Be or Not to Be in Meditation. "We cannot meditate. We only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning; we have to be in meditation; either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that 'Now I am outside the house'. When you are outside the house, you cannot say 'I am inside the house'. In the same way, you are moving in 3 dimensions of your life of emotional, physical and mental being. Inside the House of our Being,We become…

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Find out What are Vibrations and What is ParamChaitanya in Wise Answers

Let's Find out What are Vibrations and What is 'Paramchaitanya': We will be sharing below a compilation of excerpts from Shri Mataji's Lectures: Vibrations as an instrument, a media by which we express the Ganesha Tattwa (the Eternal Child principle) ".. an instrument, a media by which we express the Ganesha Tattwa all over (Tattwa is Principle/Essence in Sanskrit) That is vibrations! So the vibrations about which you are asking, these vibrations themselves are nothing but the Principle of Shri Ganesha, his omkara. " Vibrations as the 'Vatsala' feeling, the distance between the Mother and the Child, in universal…

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Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity – One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution

Standing on the brink of the Ocean of Humanity - One Answer: Inner Transformation as a Big Revolution Read the Address from the founder of Sahaja Yoga to the Sahaja Yoga Meditation practitioners in India during an International Christmas Seminar in 1988: A Big Revolution for the Ocean of Humanity "Today we all Sahaja Yogis are standing on the brink of the ocean, ocean of humanity where we have to face the problems of human beings otherwise in the nature there are no problems. They're all already solved. So, one has to understand that it's not just…

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How to get a ‘Sahaja Yogi’ Diploma Certification

Let's find out How to get a 'Sahaja Yogi' Diploma Certification or if that's even possible Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - is seen spreading 'vibrations' (energy) in Bucharest, Romania while "checking" the Kundalini energy's strength above a sahaja yogi's crown chakra. The Founder of Sahaja Yoga is Talking about What Certifies a Sahaja Yogi We will be offering some excerpts from the lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Let's see what we learn from them! Becoming Your Ideals - They Are like Torches! "If you become the Ideals, the Power of Ideals…

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