Best Three Tips in Stories from Mark Williams: “Cracking Meditation or How to Meditate” & “The Good Thoughts of a Hundred Monkeys” & “Miracle of St Gabriel-Hanuman Mantra in Australian Desert”

We have started meditating on the Guru Principle and these three stories might give some insight on the Guru - Disciple relationship. Mark Williams had posted his personal experiences on an international forum and with his permission we share them on the Halton website. This way we get to know a fellow yogi and realize how powerful, protective, guiding and caring can be our sincere connection with the divine principles, that we may use to call as archangels or prophets or god's powers as deities - living actually in our own tree of life. Hmm, have just…

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Los Mejores Tres Consejos En Historias de Mark Williams: “Descifrando la Meditación o Cómo Meditar” & “Los Buenos Pensamientos de Cien Changos” & “El Milagro del Mantra de San Gabriel-Hanuman en el Desierto Australiano”

Hemos comenzado a meditar sobre el Principio del Gurú y estas tres historias pueden darnos una idea de la relación entre el Gurú y el Discípulo. Mark Williams había publicado sus experiencias personales en un foro internacional y con su permiso las compartimos en el sitio web de Halton. De esta manera, conocemos a un compañero yogui y nos damos cuenta de cuán poderosa, protectora, guía y afectuosa puede ser nuestra conexión sincera con los principios divinos, que podemos usar para llamar a los arcángeles o profetas o los Poderes Divinos o deidades, viviendo realmente en nuestro…

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Howard Swinson from Oshawa’s Walk of Fame on his Love for Sahaja Yoga Meditation

"Where do I begin when discussing my love affair with SAHAJA YOGA?! Well I first heard about Sahaja Yoga maybe 15 years or so ago..I was in Toronto and my wife Joyce was in England…It was 6 p.m. my time and 11 p.m. in the U.K.  I got this phone call …it was Joyce,..and she immediately started to rant on about having just come back from attending this wonderful class.  She said “Howard, I’ve just discovered something I’ve been looking for all my life!  It’s called Sahaja Yoga and you’ll just love it too”. “Wait a minute…

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Heart-Brain Relationship & Hatha Yoga Teaching Explained in Sahaja Yoga

Starting with Kundalini Awakening - known as Self Realization "With the opening of a single curtain of Sahasrara, the Kundalini comes up. But its Light does not start spreading all around just then. The Kundalini has just come up (to Sahasrara level= the Crown Chakra on top of our heads) and you have saluted the seat of Sadashiva (the God Almighty - the Father aspect). Within you, the Light of Atma (the "Spirit" in Sanskrit) has started flowing hazily. But it has not yet fully blossomed in this brain." Heart-Brain Relationship & Implications "Now, the surprising thing…

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The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini’s Meta Science

The Powers of Virata and Viratangana in Kundalini's Meta Science Shri Mataji - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation - holding up the "right Vishuddhi finger" through which the energy is flowing. We will focus on the important role played by America and its connections to the subtle notions of "Virata" and "Viratangana" in the light of Sahaja Yoga Meditation knowledge. You might be delighted to discover such beauty and wisdom in the quotes compiled below for your spiritual benefit, from the Lectures of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Let's also understand that are real powers stored in…

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A Sahaj Essay on Horses & People at Horse Rescue Centres – Love & Support in a Journey that Stregthens the Hearts

"Distance tests a horse's strength. Time reveals a person's heart." Chinese Proverb When the Unconditional Love becomes Support & Bond I've asked Liallyn, dear and respected friend, also an experienced practitioner and volunteer teacher of Sahaja Yoga Meditation, to find words for her special connection with horses. On Easter weekend 2010, Liallyn had visited us from Edmonton and my entire family had listened fascinated to her stories about the time she spends as volunteer at the Horse Rescue centre -near Edmonton. The she showed us some photos from that magic place where the sahaj spirit is already at…

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