Four Essential Q&A about Meditation and Spiritual Seeking

Question: Even though I meditate, thoughts come to my head, they just come all of a sudden and I know they're not part of me. Is there a method to control these thoughts even though we do meditate? Shri Mataji: See, you must raise your Kundalini. Try to raise it. Put your attention to your Sahasrara (crown chakra).  Say: 'Mother (Kundalini), come in my head. '  As soon as Kundalini crosses the Agnya (= Third Eye chakra) you cannot have those thoughts. You should follow this simple method also, that if you see any thought coming in,…

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Anandita: “Who is my Yoga Teacher?! How Powerful?!” – Miracle testimonial about Shri Mataji on Video!

Traditional Yoga Teacher - Student Relationship with Story shared spontaneously in Burlington and captured on Video - Enjoy! Before listening to Anandita's story (about her great lesson as a child artist and as a sahaja yoga early student), for those of us that are not having a traditional yoga-meditation background it is better to read the following quotes from the founder of sahaja yoga  meditation. Why? Because in the West we have quite a formal relationship between a teacher and a student, it's more an exchange of services: one will pay and the other one will deliver…

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