(1 MINUTE VIDEO) COOL Kids, Parents & Friends CELEBRATE Children’s International Day!! (INVITE + MARTISOR VIDEO)

On June 1st is Celebrated the International Children's Day. We will have a special event dedicated to this day at our Burlington sahaja yoga meditation class, on June 3rd, 2015. Everyone is welcome! Thanks to Shulin our video from an earlier cool kids seminar is ready. Watch-Listen-Feel it! Video from "COOL Kids Martisor -March Seminar" Please feel free to drop a comment if you enjoyed this article :-) (click!) COOL Kids were SNAP’ed in Burlington Magazine! Read the Article

Continue Reading(1 MINUTE VIDEO) COOL Kids, Parents & Friends CELEBRATE Children’s International Day!! (INVITE + MARTISOR VIDEO)

(video) Painting Rocks on Meditation Music @ Cool KIDS

Enjoy Few Silent Examples from the" Painting Rocks on Meditation Music" workshop offered by Cool Kids and Parents team - then comes "The Video!" (watch) A Really Cool Video made by Shulin from "Life De-Stress for Youth" Class (invite) COOL KIDS + Youth Class on the 1st Week of Every Month in 2015 

Continue Reading(video) Painting Rocks on Meditation Music @ Cool KIDS

(photos/story) Students & Parents Meditate in Campbellville! Sahaja Yoga Meditation INVITED @ Brookville’s 1st Health and Wellness Night

We were invited to this event via Shulin - gr 11 student that comes to our Life De-stress classes for Youth in Halton region. As we are volunteering our time and we offer very often such meditation sessions in Halton/Niagara/Hamilton region, only 3 of us could participate this time in our "inner peace workshop team": Sam, Kathleen and Ioana (all rushing from work/office). We were definitely rewarded meeting such sweet and wise children, parents and young adults interested in meditation as well a very welcoming host party and a refreshing sightseeing on our way back home. Thank…

Continue Reading(photos/story) Students & Parents Meditate in Campbellville! Sahaja Yoga Meditation INVITED @ Brookville’s 1st Health and Wellness Night

(Come on June 1st) Amazing Free Program for Parents & Children: Meditation, Creativity & Playful Chakra workshop (CELEBRATE International Children Day)

On June 1st 2014 everyone that brings a child is invited to join us for this special event. Stay tuned for more details! No registration is required. Send any inquiry to [email protected] Check other recent programs for Children and Parents (FRESH VIDEO!) Free Yoga Meditation Classes for Children and Parents: COOL KIDS @ Lawfield School(click!) Sahaja Yoga Meditation for Children & Parents receives a Thank you Letter from Girl Guides of Canada @ Earth Day 2014

Continue Reading(Come on June 1st) Amazing Free Program for Parents & Children: Meditation, Creativity & Playful Chakra workshop (CELEBRATE International Children Day)

Cool Kids are the best gift for Mother’s Day (Gibran’s Quote)

Read more about the article Cool Kids are the best gift for Mother’s Day (Gibran’s Quote)
Vishnu - after meditation and chakra workshop he is preparing his self-made pot gift for his mom

On that Sunday in May we have celebrated Mother's Day in Oakville, all together: kids, parents and grandparents that participate to our free weekly meditation classes in Halton and Niagara regions. Vishnu is one of our Cool Kids in Halton that love sahaja yoga meditation. Vishnu is always eager to both learn more about chakras as well to share and teach others what he knows. The photo above and the many more beautiful ones from the photo-albums that follow, show and "teach" us all, what Kahlil Gibran had shared in the words and painting below,  dedicated to…

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Halton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)

Read more about the article Halton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)
Ganesha and Shriya - Face to Face

Isaiah (Bible):"And a Little Child should Lead Them"Let's Read Experiences (from Kids & Parents) & Watch Ahilan's Beautiful Photo-Album Feedback from Kids & Parents: Sonia  (Oakville) who brought her 2 daughters to the event: "My children had always showed interest in meditation with me, especially my older daughter. I was so happy to have experienced that night with them. My children really connected with the class. My oldest daughter is typically shy but that night she painted with the group and enjoyed it. She keeps the rocks." Sonia had shared with our group at the class sometimes…

Continue ReadingHalton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)