(VIDEO) The Sheen – Legends of the Light & Wisdom: “To be or not to be in Meditation” OR “How to Find your own Kingdom” (CASUAL CELTIC MUSIC)

To Be or Not to Be in Meditation. "We cannot meditate. We only can be in meditation. When we say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning; we have to be in meditation; either you are inside the house or outside the house. You cannot be inside the house and then say that 'Now I am outside the house'. When you are outside the house, you cannot say 'I am inside the house'. In the same way, you are moving in 3 dimensions of your life of emotional, physical and mental being. Inside the House of our Being,We become…

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Why Meditate in the Evening and How to do it to Reach Spiritual Depth and Ascend in Yoga?

Let's Learn How to Meditate in the Evening to Reach Spiritual Depth and Ascend in Yoga based on Shri Mataji's teachings Let's read the following notes from a speech offered by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation to a gathering of sahaja yogis  The recommendation is to read the following and absorb its content with an open mind and heart, then the wisdom might be felt as an energy flow. A state of meditation and inner peace should settle within. Let's give it a try! "After this comes the Evening Meditation... [which]…

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How & Why Open the Heart? Divine Sensitivity with Mahatma Gandhi’s Prayer, Flowers & Sahaja Yoga Culture’s “Know How” from 1989 Guru Lecture

HOW WE SHOULD BEHAVE ?! Feel the Joy of Oneness Together "It was very interesting I was thinking about you all and about the people who have done so much for Sahaja Yoga. It is impossible really to say how many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such interest and dedication. And this dedication is directed by Divine Force that's why I think you people are not even aware how much you have worked so hard without getting any material gain out of it. And the joy has no value. We cannot evaluate in any human terminology…

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Morning Meditation with A Murmur of Starlings & Sea Rose: Contemplate & Listen!

Let's have this on-line morning meditation 'together'. We need to make sure that the speakers are ON for an Amazing Music (sahaja yogis are the musicians!), then we open our hands towards the screen and simply immerse in Meditation while we are listening to the beautiful music (sahaja yogis are singing!) .. and watching with patience & pure attention :-) how the Divine Hand is gently drawing on the Sky with collective movements of birds dancing together as One.  So beautifully captured on video!  Let's make sure we enjoy All that this article has to offer till…

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