Mother’s Ark — “Yogis Got Talent” Show — (video-subtitles for Meditation & Evolution Explanation)

 WATCH THE VIDEO-PLAY "MOTHER'S ARK" (our Easter Present - Subtle Connections) PHOTOS, STORY OF THE "MAKING", AUDIO-SUBTITLES FOR MEDITATION Play created by Halton Yogis with the contribution of brothers and yogis and children from all around Ontario. The idea was born spontaneously while driving home from work maybe one week after we received the invitation to participation to the contest-fund raising event: "Yogis Got Talent" Show. The boat was created mostly at Burlington Class (everyone contributed but it was Nitin's 'construction'); the statue of Shri Ganesha (the principle of Innocence that is the basis of creation) was…

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Sahaja Yoga Meditation Gives Life After Breast Cancer @ 7th Biennial Convention – Hamilton Convention Centre

Impressions Collected from visitors of Sahaja Meditation booth Wow, like, wow. This is fantastic! I feel so relaxed.I felt my body settle in, and then felt like sitting straighter, like something was pulling me up. Very relaxing. I feel so calm.Thank you for opening me up.Thank you, I needed to forgive. Can we do that again? I personally felt that your group was wonderful and certainly for me, elevated the event. Wow! I felt the cool breeze above my head. I felt the energy going up my arms.I kept repeating I forgive myself, I forgive everyone over and over again.…

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