Feel The Breeze with TWO Saturday Outdoor Meditations in Burlington

On Saturday June 4, Join us for 2 nature-inspired meditations where we will discover the hidden beauty of our inner being and of Mother Earth along the shores of Lake Ontario in Burlington. These outdoor sessions are free & open to everyone, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned meditator! We welcome all ages (even children!) to join us. Share this invite with your friends and family 🙂 Session 1: Burloak Waterfront Park5420 Lakeshore Road E., Burlington  11:00am – 12:30pm, June 4 2022Session 2: Spencer Smith Park1400 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington  2:00pm – 3:30pm, June 4 2022 Optional:…

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Check your Tree of Life – This Fall Let’s Meditate and “Do Yoga” Outdoors

We invite you to check Your Tree of Life this Fall with one of our Outdoors FREE Yoga Meditation Sessions Check your Tree of Life through the practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. You can always check our Playlist with Recorded Meditation (about 120 videos and growing). See who we are .. below. Join the Collective "Inner  Growth Journey" in Halton / Niagara region Good news: we were asked to continue offering our popular Outdoors Sahaja Yoga Classes through September :-) Please send us an email at [email protected] if interested to attend our online classes or the in-person…

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What is Maya ? Meditate with Monali on King Janaka as Primordial Guru (Sahaj Guru Game 2011)

Enjoy Video-Presentation & Article on Shri Janaka - the Philosopher King & Primordial Guru What is Maya? What is Maya created by God versus Maya created by Human Beings?! Shri Mataji: "So they say that this maya is created by God. No! Maya that God has created is this world, this whole universe and all that but this illusive life is created by human beings. Absolutely, through their projections of their brains and mental capacities, they have projected..  So this is one of the illusions that human beings have created is what you call is money maya…

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A Belgium Student’s Experience with Sahaja Yoga in Canada

Enjoy Eva's Testimonial as a Belgium Student's Experience with Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Burlington Let's get ready to take Eva's letter into our hearts and feel her experiences as our own. Enjoy the journey! Eva's Letter shared below as her Testimonial with the Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Halton region Dear all, Last month, i had the opportunity to discover a bit more of Mother Earth. I decided to choose Canada as my end destination, because I wanted to visit one of my dear yuva friends, Ana Bianca, there since it's really important in my opinion to really…

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What is A Woman’s Perfect Definition?

What is A Woman's Perfect Definition? Enjoy Wise Answers celebrating the International Women's Day - Discover the Relevance of March 8 in Sahaja Yoga! "In Sahaja Yoga it is 'compulsory' that you (a woman :-) ) should be happy, you should be joyous and you have to be joyful. Our (women's) job is to make everybody happy and joyous, That is it. That is our job. That is the Source we have got. We are the Source of joy, of Confidence, of Love, and Affection, and Kindness and Gentleness. We are the Source of joy. Accept this…

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¿Por qué meditar con las manos abiertas? Mahoma y Sahaja Yoga con Gestos como Mantras. Las Manos son Importantes para Bendecir, Sanar y Construir Colectividad

"Cuando pones tus manos hacia mí, eso es un Mantra." "Verás, no hay necesidad de decirlo más, pero el pensamiento en la mente, la emoción, es a lo que extendemos nuestras manos y debería funcionar. Cuando esta emoción está absolutamente completa, no hay necesidad de decir un mantra; vas más allá. Así que uno tiene que estar absolutamente sin esfuerzo, absolutamente sin esfuerzo. La meditación es para tu propio ascenso, es para tu propio beneficio personal que debes tener, pero una vez que lo tienes, también alcanzas tus poderes. En este momento no tienes que pensar en…

Continue Reading¿Por qué meditar con las manos abiertas? Mahoma y Sahaja Yoga con Gestos como Mantras. Las Manos son Importantes para Bendecir, Sanar y Construir Colectividad