Tale with Sunflowers and Subtle Connections

Sunflowers seen in the Royal Botanical Garden in Burlington (Halton, Ontario, Canada) in 2021. Tale with Sunflowers and Subtle Connections to "The Collective Being" This article was inspired by a very special day I spent in Romania earlier this summer. It was completely under the "Sunflower" and "Collectivity" auspices. The night before I could not sleep much, the birds were singing accompanied by a variety of jungle like sounds. It was truly fascinating to experience this in a busy city neighborhood. I even took a video-clip that night to have proof of it! The sunrays arrived and…

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Be a Flower not a Thorn

Be a Flower not a Thorn - An Inspiring 'Spring Theme' with Sahaja Yoga Wisdom Explore this Collections of  Quotes from Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - the founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. They are gathered together to provide an Inspiring 'Spring Theme' for introspection and aspiration towards spiritual growth. We desire for this article to offer You a convincing argument that You and I should " Be a Flower, Not a Thorn" in this world. " If you become the ideals, the power of ideals itself will make you so dynamic that you don't need to consult…

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Youth Services – Youth Quest Program’s THANK YOU LETTER for “Inner Peace” Workshop versus “Restlessness” (YMCA Barrie/Muskoka)

"The first and foremost thing, the essence of that, is peace. The peace has to be within, to begin with. You have to be peaceful within yourself. If you are not peaceful, if you are playing tricks with your ego, if you are just satisfying yourself, saying that you are peaceful, you are sadly mistaken. Peace is to be enjoyed within yourself. It is to be felt within yourself. So do not give wrong satisfactions to yourself. Do not give false notions to yourself. Don’t cheat yourself.Peace has to be felt within yourself and if you are not…

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video Testimonials about Throat Chakra Qualities from Ana Bianca and Rajani (Sahaj Guru Game)

These are two short video-presentations from Vishuddhi Chakra Team, part of the Sahaj Guru Game 2011. Enjoy Ana Bianca and Rajani,  presenting  their sincere introspection on the status of their "personal relationship"  with Vishuddhi chakra, at one of our weekly Free Yoga Meditation Classes, in Oakville - Halton region.. (video) Ana Bianca's Throat Chakra (Vishuddhi centre)  -Tips, Qualities, Introspection https://youtu.be/ZkR_iibCbVY (video) Rajani who Loves To Sing (Shri Krishna bhajan live!) Thanks go to Ahilan for filming and arranging these videos. Let us know if you have enjoyed ..open-up your Vishuddhi chakra (= communicate!) and write a comment…

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Music-Video: Forgiveness Mantra with YOANN @ Bishop Strachan School in Photos

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Yoann Freget invited to perform to the oldest school in Toronto

Yoann Freget performing @ Schools during his Canadian "Music and Spirituality" Tour   VIDEO -Yoann Freget Singing Mantra for Jesus-MaryMany Thanks to Roark for making this event possible as well many thanks to the welcoming Bishop Strachan School for Inviting Yoann Freget. Many Thanks to Omar for joining Yoann's tour everywhere in Ontario with his cool guitar and African drum.(click!)Yoann's Concert at  Hope United Church(click!)Yoann's Concert #2 in Burlington (Photos)(click!) Yoann's Concert #1 in Burlington (VIDEOS!)

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