Cool Kids are the best gift for Mother’s Day (Gibran’s Quote)

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Vishnu - after meditation and chakra workshop he is preparing his self-made pot gift for his mom

On that Sunday in May we have celebrated Mother's Day in Oakville, all together: kids, parents and grandparents that participate to our free weekly meditation classes in Halton and Niagara regions. Vishnu is one of our Cool Kids in Halton that love sahaja yoga meditation. Vishnu is always eager to both learn more about chakras as well to share and teach others what he knows. The photo above and the many more beautiful ones from the photo-albums that follow, show and "teach" us all, what Kahlil Gibran had shared in the words and painting below,  dedicated to…

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dr. Andrei’s Lecture @ Shiraz Wellness Academy in Markham – on Sunday, February 5th @ 6:30PM

dr. Andrei is invited by Shiraz Wellness Academy for a lecture on Meditation, followed by a Collective Meditation, a Chakra Workshop (with the support of sahaja yoga meditation practitioners from Markhan and Vaughan) and an inter-active session of questions and answers with all participants. This event is free and open to the public. The sponsors are: Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Shiraz Wellness Academy, Markham. For the other programs with dr. Andrei across Ontario, check the link below. (click!) FREE Series of 11 Lectures with dr. Andrei from University of Calgary (February 4 – February 9) in 9…

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Halton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)

Read more about the article Halton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)
Ganesha and Shriya - Face to Face

Isaiah (Bible):"And a Little Child should Lead Them"Let's Read Experiences (from Kids & Parents) & Watch Ahilan's Beautiful Photo-Album Feedback from Kids & Parents: Sonia  (Oakville) who brought her 2 daughters to the event: "My children had always showed interest in meditation with me, especially my older daughter. I was so happy to have experienced that night with them. My children really connected with the class. My oldest daughter is typically shy but that night she painted with the group and enjoyed it. She keeps the rocks." Sonia had shared with our group at the class sometimes…

Continue ReadingHalton Children say: “I want to meditate!” (Photos & FEEDBACK from Children’s Day in Halton with Sahaja Yoga Meditation)