VIDEO FEEDBACK (Laughing, Crying, Singing and Dancing) on Sahaj Diwali in Burlington – Sahaj Bhajans with Yoann Freget & Nirananda Band

Read more about the article VIDEO FEEDBACK (Laughing, Crying, Singing and Dancing) on Sahaj Diwali in Burlington – Sahaj Bhajans with Yoann Freget & Nirananda Band
Sahaj DIwali 2010 @ Brant Hills Community Centre - free event sponsored and organized by sahaja yoga meditation in Halton

Kostya's feedback about this evening - he came with the musicians from Toronto, only as a visiting friend: "I felt that the musical program was so openhearted and I felt that all of the people who were present there  felt the same. It was true Diwali (a festival of lights!!)." "It is really great idea to dance all together! I think we should do this often :) Sincerely Kostya" VIDEO #1 - Yoann Freget singing Bhajans (Indian Folk Music) with Nirananda Band from Toronto and EVERYONE starts dancing together on"Mahamaya Mahakali" in a Girdle!!!! Enjoy Photo-Album "5…

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Analuiza makes 1st Page of Burlington Post – VIDEOS & STORY!

Free Special event "Art & Spirituality" with Kuchipudi Dance and Meditation Workshop on July 29 - was Fabulous! "Dancing is a very good way of clearing out your pressures because, in the dance, you go into thoughtless awareness and also into the joy. Then the joy is so fulfilling that the joy of the spirit is much more than the joy of any world comforts or also of physical comforts. Its gives you physical comfort, it gives you mental comfort it gives you also the spiritual comfort.",  says Shri Mataji -  who is also Analuiza's Teacher in…

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Don’t miss: Free Kuchipudi Dance Performance & Meditation – in Burlington TONIGHT!

Analuiza Torres da Silva - with more than 100 Performances in Brazil, Italy and India, she is now Touring  Canada Enjoy: 2 Beautiful Photos & Did you know (details section below) Did you know? Analuiza needs 2 hours before the program to get ready (make up, costume, ornaments...). Analuiza, a dance exponent and a follower of the Arts, is actually a Student of Engineering. She is in the final semester of her Engineering Course in Agriculture. She says that as an artist, she loves to study about plants and soil and to be close to Mother Earth.…

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Humility is the Myelin Sheath of Vibrations – Story for Kings and Queens

Humility: A Royal Decoration Analuiza Torres Da Silva  -  a princess of Kuchipudi Dance -will honor soon our Halton region with a Free Public Program.  For all details of that event read this News.Probably you'll still wonder what's all about "myelin" in here and what connection can be with meditation or Kuchipudi dance. So, it's time to absorb & check out the truth from the few excerpts & story below: "..  supposing you start developing an art in your hand from your very childhood, then you develop the deftness of that particular art, because a kind of…

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The Gift of Peace that Surpasses All Understanding

Spontaneous Meditation in Burlington - A Serene Gift of Peace for Seniors "Sahaja Yoga has enabled me to deal with crises in my life through Meditation and brought me Peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. I was guided to Sahaja Yoga after a serious accident when our van was broadsided by another car causing $16,000 damage to our vehicle. I sustained soft tissue injury from my seat belt and whiplash caused nerve damage in my neck. This accident changed my life as I knew it. Before the accident, I was a healthy, energetic senior, I cleaned…

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